Niles Johnson

Department of Mathematics




I am an associate professor in algebraic topology at The Ohio State University. I am a member of the Department of Mathematics, and I teach on the Newark Campus.


  • 2-Dimensional Category Theory, an elementary text on 2-/bicategories with Donald Yau.
    [2-Dimensional Categories cover]
  • Slides for my recent talk at Case Western about algebraic K-theory for 2-categories.
  • I wrote a survey article with my coauthors Nick Gurski and youtube加速器永久免费版 about our work. It's out in the September 2025 issue of the AMS Notices!
    [AMS Notices Cover, Sept 2025]



My research interests extend toward both categorical and computational aspects of algebraic topology. Categorical frameworks provide a context in which to develop the "brave new algebra" of structured ring spectra. I'm interested particularly in understanding Picard/Brauer theory and their connections with the Galois theory of ring spectra.

I began interacting with computational aspects of structured ring spectra in joint work with Justin Noel. This work includes computer calculations of power operations and an obstruction spectral sequence for maps of structured ring spectra. Some of my other computational work relates to low-degree Lie algebra cohomology, in joint work with the UGA Algebra Group.

All of my papers, published and preprint, are available on the 免费加速器油管. You can also see an overview on my CV (html).

Here is the schedule for our Homotopy Theory Seminar. The seminar meets on Thursdays at 11:30 in MW 154.


My teaching homepage has links to my current courses and a collection of fun topics related to current and previous course material.

ssr免费节点获取2025 is a web application for conference announcements. The application lets anyone from the community add conference announcements, storing them in a database and displaying them sorted by date and subject.



Information about some of my other interests (with pictures!) is available in the Etcetera section of this site.

I'm sometimes active on Twitter @NilesTopologist.

When I see something to contribute to Wikipedia, I do it.

I have a few different open-source side projects that are sometimes useful to others:

  • conference-list is the underlying software for
  • simple-conference is a simple app for hosting conference info and registration
  • latex_starter has my latex templates
  • 雷神加速器上youtube is a tex package to draw a graph of reference dependencies
  • Visualization of A(2)

tags: info

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